WordPress Hosting Tech Specs

Tech Specs.

About the hardware and software of WordPress Hosting plans.

Software, Core hardware
  • Operating System: CloudLinux
  • Control Panel: cPanel/WHM
  • Server: Dell, Supermicro, IBM
  • Data Center: Vietnam
Data Security and Data Safety
  • Hardware Firewall: Yes
  • Soft Firewall: 123HOST WAF 2.0
  • Malware Scanner: Imunify
  • Data backup technology: JetBackup
Web, Database, Email, FTP
  • Web Server: Litespeed Enterprise
  • PHP Version: From 4.4 to 8.1
  • Database Server: MySQL
  • Mail Server: Exim
  • Webmail: Roundcube, Horde
  • FTP: Pure FTPD
  • Litespeed Cache: Yes
  • Memcached: Yes
  • Hard Drive: SSD Enterprise
  • Raid: 10
  • Wordpress: Yes
  • Joomla: Yes
  • Xenforo: Yes
  • Mangeto: Yes
  • OpenCart: Yes
  • CS-Cart: Yes
  • Nukeviet: Yes
  • Laravel: Yes
  • Codeigniter: Yes
  • Other CMS/Framework: Optional

PHP Extensions

apc, apm, ares, apcu, bcmath, bcompiler, big_int, bitset, bloomy, brotli, bz2_filter, brotli, coin_acceptor, crack, dba, dbase,dbx, dom, eaccelerator, eio, enchant, fileinfo,functional, gd, gender, geoip, geos, gmagick, gnupg, grpc, http, haru, hidef, htscanner, idn, igbinary, imagick, imap, inotify, interbase, intl, ioncube_loader, ioncube_loader_4, jsmin, json, ldap, libevent, lzf, luasandbox, lzf, mbstring, memcache, memcached, mongo, mongodb, msgpack, mssql, mysql, mysqli, mysqlnd, magickwand, mailparse, ncurses, nd_mysql, nd_mysqli, nd_pdo_mysql, newrelic, oauth, oci8, odbc, opcache, pdf, pdo, pdo_dblib, pdo_firebird, pdo_mysql, pdo_oci, pdo_odbc, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pdo_sqlsrv, pgsql, phar, phalcon, posix, propro, pspell, psr, quickhash, raphf, redis, radius, rar, recode, rsync, snmp, soap, sockets, solr, sodium, sqlite3, sqlsrv, spl_types, stats, swoole, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, sqlite, ssh2,stem, stomp, suhosin, sybase_ct, tideways, tidy, timezonedb, trader, translit, uploadprogress, uuid, uri_template, wddx, weakref, vips, xdebug, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, yaf, yaml, yaz, zip, xcache, xcache_3, xhprof, xmlreader, xrange.

Comparison of WordPress Hosting plans.

Choose the right hosting plan for you.

Plan WPH1 Plan WPH2 Plan WPH3
Storage (GB) 5 10 20
Addon Domain 2 5 10
Sub Domain Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Parked Domain (Alias) Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Bandwidth Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
FTP Account Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Email Account Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
CPU(%) 100 200 200
Physical Memory(GB) 2 4 6
IO(MB/s) 5 10 16
IOPS 300 300 300
Entry Processes 25 50 50
Number of Processors 50 100 100
INodes 200.000 250.000 250.000

Choose 123HOST for your website to be efficient, safe and stable

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