Contents of Affiliate Marketing Program

1. Subjects participating in the program

  • 123HOST's customers: We welcome and encourage all 123HOST's customers to participate in the affiliate marketing program. Just choose activation at affiliate menu, you can already start introducing 123HOST to your friends and get a commission.
  • Individuals and organizations specializing in affiliate marketing: We sincerely invite individuals and organizations specializing in affiliate marketing to open categories and post 123HOST's promotions. We also have many preferential policies for you, such as providing vouchers, special promotions. Send a support team to help reply to comments on your website.
  • Programmers, system engineers have their own websites: We can provide free services such as Hosting, Cloud VPS for you to try and experience. It would be great if you write a review of 123HOST's services on your website. At the same time, we can create your own voucher for your website to have an exclusive offer from 123HOST.
  • Individuals with relationships in the information technology field: We appreciate you introducing customers to 123HOST, so let 123HOST give your commission.!

2. How to participate

2.1. Requirements:

You must have an affiliate marketing account at 123HOST. If not, please register and activate right here. In addition, we do not ask for any other conditions.

2.2. How to introduce:

Method 1: Introduction by sharing links: Khi đã kích hoạt tài khoản tiếp thị liên kết, bạn sẽ được tạo 1 link tiếp thị với định dạng (với xxx là ID affiliate của bạn). Bạn chỉ cần gửi link này cho bạn bè, hoặc liên kết vào banner, text link của website mình. Khi người được bạn giới thiệu thực hiện đăng ký dịch vụ, hệ thống sẽ thống kê đơn hàng mà bạn giới thiệu tại giao diện Affiliate. Hình thức redirect từ link website của bạn đến link tiếp thị liên kết được khuyến khích và hỗ trợ.

Method 2: Introduction without sharing links: In case, you do not want to introduce by sharing the link, you can introduce by word of mouth or any other method. After introducing, please contact 123HOST for us to help you calculate the commission. Just provide information to prove that you have introduced the order. For contact information, please send an email to

3. Regulations of the program

  • Commission Table By Service: Please click here
  • Donate money to affiliate marketing account: You will be given $1.05 to your affiliate account balance immediately after clicking the activation button.
  • Minimum amount of commissions that can be withdrawn: Minimum withdrawable balance is 500.000đ. We support withdrawal by bank transfer, so please provide your bank information via ticket when requesting a withdrawal.
  • The standard for 1 order to be approved for receiving commission: Approved orders are orders that must be paid 100% and after 31 days of completion of payment. After 31 days, the commission will be charged to your approved balance.
  • Support Multi-Level Affiliates: If the customer you introduce also makes an order for 123HOST, you will receive 20% of commission value. At this time, you do not need to directly introduce to receive a commission.
    For an example: Customer A introduces customer B to use 123HOST's services, customer B registers for hosting service with an order value of 1,000,000 VND, so customer A receives a commission of 25% * 1,000,000 VND = 250,000 VND. Customer B introduces 123HOST to customer C, customer C registers a hosting service with an order value of VND 2,000,000, now customer B gets a commission of 25% * 2,000,000 VND = 500,000 VND, At the same time, customer A will also receive a commission of 20% * 500,000 VND = 100,000 VND.
  • Only support to accept the commission for the first payment of the order. Renewal invoices will not accept a commission.
  • Create voucher and receive commission: You can create your voucher at 123HOST's affiliate marketing interface. Send a voucher to your friends so they can receive a discount from you. Please note that the total percent discount of the voucher + percent of the commission you receive = percent of the specified commission.
    For an example: Hosting service is deducted 25% commission. If you create a 10% voucher, the commission you will still receive is 25% - 10% = 15%.
  • How to withdraw money: Open ticket to the accounting department, 123HOST will check and transfer the commission to you.

4. Banned Activities

  • Take advantage of the affiliate program to create multiple accounts and introduce yourself to receive commissions (except for testing purposes).
  • Insert an affiliate link in iframe into your website.
  • Run ads with keywords such as 123host, 123host, or keywords relating to the brand 123HOST lead to affiliate links (including capital or lowercase letters).

Activate affiliate marketing and receive a gift of $1.05 to your account!

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